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Fundamentals course

The Fundamentals course is intended for users with no or limited experience of the Crosser solution. You can follow this course using any Crosser account, including free-trials. This is an on-demand course and you complete it at your own pace.

Course outline

  • The Crosser Streaming Analytics solution
  • The Crosser module library
  • Designing, testing and deploying processing flows
  • Hands-on exercises covering basic use cases
  • Installing a local edge node

If you complete the course, including the examination exercise you will receive a diploma.

Expected time to complete this course is ~20 hours.

Course material

The course is divided into six sessions, each with a presentation and introduction to exercises. The slides used in these presentations are added as attachments to this document and video recordings are presented below.

Session 1

Introduction (50:21)


  • Crosser Solution Concepts
  • Flow-based processing
  • Understanding Messages

Video recording of the presentation can be found here→

Download the presentation in PDF - Session 1 (Introduction)

Session 2

First Flow (1:00:59)


  • UI introduction
    • Flows
    • The Flow Studio
    • Module settings
    • Testing and Deploying Flows
  • Other functions
    • Message filtering
    • Managing Flows
  • Modules covered:
    • Data Generator module
    • Aggregate module
    • Text Template module
    • MQTT Pub Client module
  • Exercise 1: Build your first flow – step by step

Video recording of the presentation can be found here→

Download the presentation in PDF - Session 2 (First flow)

Session 3

Streaming data inputs (28:16)


  • Re-format messages
    • Property Mapper module
  • External streaming inputs (push)
    • MQTT Sub Client module
  • Multi-path flows
    • Split module
  • Math operations
    • Math module
  • Exercise 2: Process streaming data

Video recording of the presentation can be found here→

Download the presentation in PDF - Session 3 (Streaming data inputs)

Session 4

Arrays (21:59)


  • Trigger modules
  • Array modules
  • Exercise 3: Processing array data

Video recording of the presentation can be found here→

Download the presentation in PDF - Session 4 (Arrays)

Session 5

Non-streaming data, installing a local Node (19:55)


  • Exercise 4: Non-streaming data
    • Interval module
    • HTTP Request module
    • HTTP Listener module
  • Local Nodes
    • Data directory
    • Dashboard
    • Local Node UI
  • Exercise 5: Local Crosser Node
    • Installation
    • Deploy a flow
    • Flow versions

Video recording of the presentation can be found here→

Download the presentation in PDF - Session 5 (Non-streaming data, installing node)

Session 6

Files and Exam! (23:50)


  • Administration
    • Users
    • Roles & Permissions
    • Authenticating users using external authentication services
  • Working with files
    • CSV Reader module
    • File TextReader module
    • File TextWriter module
    • File StreamWriter module
    • Additional file related modules
  • Exercise 6: Working with files
  • Exam!

Video recording of the presentation can be found here→

Download the presentation in PDF - Session 6 (Files)