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Big Data Glossary

What is Data Mining?

Definition of Data Mining

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What is Data Mining?

Data mining is the process of discovering patterns, trends, and insights in large sets of data. It is a technique used to extract useful information from large amounts of data and transform it into an understandable structure for further use. Data mining is commonly used in fields such as marketing, finance, healthcare, and fraud detection.

Data mining uses various techniques from fields such as statistics, machine learning, and artificial intelligence to analyze the data. The process typically involves the following steps:

Data Preparation: The raw data is cleaned, transformed, and prepared for analysis.

  • Data Exploration: The data is explored and visualized to identify patterns and trends.
  • Model Building: A model is built that represents the underlying patterns and relationships in the data.
  • Evaluation: The model is evaluated to determine its accuracy and effectiveness.
  • Deployment: The model is deployed in the organization and used to make predictions, classify data, and support decision-making.

Data mining can be used to identify patterns, trends, and relationships in large sets of data that are difficult to detect using traditional methods. It can also be used to make predictions, classify data, and support decision-making.

Data mining can be a powerful tool to extract insights from large and complex data sets, but it is important to note that it requires careful handling of the data and appropriate data governance to ensure that the data is used ethically and legally.

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